We and our customers keep finding creative uses for our new AI-enabled Patent X-Ray™ analysis tool (“PXR” for short). We’ll share them periodically here in the newsletter.
In this first installment, PXR can be used to strengthen a draft patent application before filing.
In a typical patent workflow, an invention disclosure is reviewed and a binary decision is made – proceed to patenting and disclose everything, or keep it as a trade secret and disclose nothing. This is an “all or nothing” decision – go down one road or the other.
With PXR, you can make much finer nuanced decisions that were difficult or probably impossible before.

PXR will analyze the draft application, and identify potential trade secrets. For each potential trade secret, you can decide to: keep it in the application, add or remove description / disclosure, or remove it entirely from the application. In this way, you’re making a bunch of smaller fine-tuning decisions instead of the usual one big “all or nothing” one.
PXR lets you improve your draft patent applications using a “dial” instead of a “switch”.
We are excited about this powerful use case for PXR. Please let us know of any new uses that you can imagine.