

Tangibly’s Continuation Analysis and patent finder provide a comprehensive strategy for a patent continuation filing.

Expand the scope of your Intellectual Property claims

Tangibly’s Continuation analysis and patent finder provide a comprehensive strategy for a patent continuation filing.

Comprehensive strategy for patent continuation filings.

Patent attorneys can quickly understand the essence of the original application and identify new paths to claim scope expansion with a patent renewal fee. Tangibly saves hours of patent lawyer work and accelerates time to filing when time and budgets are tight.


Rapidly identify new claim scope with a patent search supported by the written description, and visualize how new claims align with the original claims. Conduct comprehensive trade secret protection analyses to effectively define the boundaries between patent claims and trade secrets.

Each Continuation Analysis report contains:

Tangibly Continuation Report Sample Page
Tangibly Continuation Report Sample Page
  1. Executive Summary
  2. Expanding the Claim Scope
    • Proposed Patent Claims With Support in Specification
    • Technology Taxonomy
    • Comparing Parent Claims and Potential New Claims
      Summary of the Scope of the Patent Claims
  3. Trade Secret Analysis
    • Define Trade Secrets by Subject
    • Mapping of Trade Secret Categories to Patent Claims
    • Detailed Analysis of Trade Secret to Claim Relationships
  4. Appendix


