
All the tools needed to support a trade secret process

Tangibly Intellectual Property Management

Tangibly Workflow Features

Perfect Policy

Good trade secret hygiene starts with a policy. Tangibly makes yours easy to find and download.

Tangibly Perfect Policy
Tangibly Intellectual Property Identity Management Screen

Identity Management

Know who has access to trade secrets. Workflow for employees and contractors.

Organize Contracts

Trade secrets are only as strong as your contracts. Validate execution, monitor expiration dates, and more.

Tangibly Organize Contracts

We are using Tangibly’s Patent X-Ray tool not only to help identify trade secrets in issued patents but also in abandoned patents. There is a huge benefit to knowing where the patented material stops and the trade secrets start, and Tangibly’s Patent X-Ray tool lets us see that dividing line more clearly.

Ray Miller
DLA Piper US

Partner Management

Everything you need to manage exchange of sensitive information with your partners. Keep it safe with Tangibly.

Tangibly Partners Detail
Tangibly Configurable Dashboard

Configurable Dashboard

Everything you need to know. Novel insights on your trade secret portfolio.

Schedule a Demo Today

Are you ready to get your trade secret journey underway?

Tangibly Intellectual Property Management