Tangibly launches Predicted Portfolio™, its AI-facilitated tool to identify trade secrets across entire patent portfolios
SEATTLE – August 22, 2024 – Tangibly, a SaaS trade secret management platform, today announced the launch of its new trade secret insight tool Predicted Portfolio™. Designed to help both in-house legal teams and law firms identify and map trade secrets across an entire portfolio, Tangibly’s Predicted Portfolio™ analysis easily integrates into existing IP portfolio analysis workflows.

Trade secrets continue to receive increasingly serious attention, both in the legal community as well as in the media and public at large. All companies around the world have trade secrets, whether they are aware of them or not. In many cases, trade secrets represent the most valuable assets within an organization. Identifying, understanding, and managing your trade secret portfolio is critically important in building value and minimizing risk of loss.
“Tangibly’s earlier released product Patent X-Ray™ has been very well received for its ability to predict trade secrets adjacent to a patent, and our customers have been anxiously awaiting the ability to predict entire portfolios of trade secrets” said Tim Londergan, Tangibly’s CEO.
Predicted Portfolio™ is a giant evolution from the Patent X-Ray™ analysis. While Patent X-Ray™ used a single patent or patent application as the input data, Predicted Portfolio™ can input a large family or portfolio of patents, and generate an entire portfolio of predicted trade secrets. Predicted Portfolio™ further groups the trade secrets into subjects or categories, and displays them in a heat-map format for ease of understanding.
“We are using Predicted Portfolio™ to rapidly assemble an entire portfolio of trade secrets starting from our collection of patents. Doing this manually would be prohibitive from both a time and cost perspective. We are able to visually see where our strengths and weaknesses are, and have developed insights that we never even dreamed of before” said Ray Miller, Partner DLA Piper.
Tangibly is offering the Predicted Portfolio™ analysis in a report format, complementary to other IP landscaping, whitespace analysis, and other common IP analysis reports. A subscription to Tangibly’s trade secret management platform is not required, however, subscribers have full access to Predicted Portfolio™.
Discover how Predicted Portfolio™ can transform your IP strategy. Visit www.tangibly.com to learn more or schedule a demo today.
About Tangibly
Tangibly’s SaaS platform empowers companies to manage their trade secrets with best-in-class practices. Trade secrets can encompass a wide range of assets, from algorithms and chemical processes to clients lists, often representing a company’s most valuable resources. . Tangibly simplifies and streamlines the complex legal requirements, ensuring these assets are efficiently protected under the law.. The platform offers robust features, including cataloging assets, acknowledgment workflow, access management, tracking required legal agreements (NDAs, employment agreements, partnership agreements, etc.), as well as employee/partner education and training.